After yet another hearty buffet breakfast, we met Jennifer our replacement tour guide, by the lobby. I failed to mention that Alex;s grandmother became ill and she was forced to have to go to the hospital. Being the professionals that they are, she quickly mobilized Jennifer to replace her. She was very sweet, funny and we got along fine as we welcomed her into the crazy group.
SUMMER PALACE -This is a beautiful area where the Emperor and Empress would come and stay during the months of May thru October each year. He would handle affairs of the country from here.The lake was man. The excavated soil was removed to form the hill. One of the Emperor's mother-in-law had such a devotion to the Buddha that he had this temple built at the top of the hill. On our walk toward the temple, we came across this corridor, which is the longest contiguous in China (728 meters, 253 sections, over 1400 uniquely drawn pictures). Our hike up the steps took us to the top, which held a magnificent view of the lake. Sidebar: if you noticed many of the tour groups to distinguish themselves from our groups always had a flag holder and uniform vests or hats for each member in their group.
This boat was fashioned completely out of marble. It's stationary position serves as reminder for stability in the nation.
Upon exiting the Summer Palace we were confronted by some local street vendors. Joe in his quest to be the next spokesman for the international hair club found this hat comforting.
OLYMPIC VENUE - 2008 summer games. The weather quickly deteriorated as the rain became more prominent. We walked into the square, It was huge to say the least. To be actually be standing at the sight where the 2008 summer games were played was overwhelming. Walking by each pavilion, one would get a sense of how many people attended and were involved in this venue. You could almost imagine the roars and cheers of the participant. We couldn't stay long due to the rain. So we decided to go have lunch at a local resturant a food court underground from the venue area. The Soup was 'banging' (noddles, beef, potato, and a kick of some kinda of spice)
PEARL MARKET - Since the day was already shot. We decided to go indoors and do some shopping at this market. We got some great deals as the Chinese vendors love to bargain. (ok here comes one of my moments) While shopping, I quickly got the urge to go to the bathroom. Must have been something in the soup. Now the Chinese restrooms are not like ours,. They don't have toilet bowls. what they have are stalls with holes in the ground. To do your thing you have to squat over the hole. For those who know me my fat ass don't squat. Knowing this I am becoming increasingly panic stricken since we had just arrived. I tried to psych myself out hoping I can delay the inevitable and wait to get back to the hotel room. "NOT" the rumbling in my stomach became more intense. It was do or die here. So I went for it and headed to the restroom. Upon entering I scanned every stall hoping for a miracle. Sure enough I was touched by an Angel. The last remaining stall was like a utility supply room with a slop sink and wait for it "a toilet bowl". I felt like the squirrel in the animated movie Ice Age who saw the nut. I was like yeah baby !!! But my excitement was halted prematurely as in glancing around there was no TP (toilet paper). "UGGH". I went back thru each stall no TP. I check under the sink no TP. I was back to defcon 3. The pressure was mounting, I couldn't wait so I got onto the bowl and did my duty. All the while trying to figure out what to do next. When I hear "hey buddy are you ok" it was Jose who knowing first hand from our japan trip last year how the restrooms were. He had come to check up on me. I told him my situation and like a best man at a wedding went into trooper mode. He went out scouring the market restaurants for some paper. Jose came back and told me he had no luck but would continue. I felt like Elaine from the Sinefeld sitcom episode, where she couldn't get a anyone to "spare a square". As i sat there anticipating Jose's triumphed return, all that came to mind is "wow I'm not going to hear the end of this one" with the fellas. Meanwhile, Jose went all over alerting Angel & Joe, he even asked our tour guide if she could check the women's restroom. nothing. He finally ended up buying a roll and bringing it down to me. I was so relieved that my ordeal was over. Now I had to gear up for being the brunt o the joke for the remainder of the night.
Luckily, we returned back to the hotel and because of the crapy weather and long day. Called it an early night.
Cool photos! Thanks for sharing. oh yeah, can you spare a square! LOL